This paper highlights the benefits of working with the Technical Documentation team for internal groups like Marketing and Human Resources, providing insights into leveraging the valuable assets they create.

In the corporate world, the technical publications department is often viewed as a cost center, necessary as a provider of content to support a packaged product or service offering, but having no value to the core revenue generation functions of the enterprise. As a result, technical publications managers must fight hard to get the budget for any new technologies and must be prepared to show strong ROI arguments to justify those investments. 

DITA For Everyone White Paper

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Over the last decade, the implementation of the DITA standard has greatly optimized the creation, management, and publishing of
technical content. DITA-based tools and processes have resulted in dramatic cost savings and process improvements. However, despite the large investment of time and money made by technical publications organizations, the rest of the enterprise has not benefited from the potential advantages of moving content to a standards-based environment.